Friday, August 5, 2011

ExtremeNO - make the body stronger than ever, get a free

| Friday, August 5, 2011 | 2 comments

ExtremeNO - make the body stronger than ever, get a free

What is Xtreme NO and why it is a muscle building supplements used by top athletes and coaches from around the world?

NO Xtreme is a muscle building supplement that really sticks. It contains:
* Fast-acting muscle, strengthen muscles and promote rapid healing of muscle fibers, which breaks down during a workout

* Resistance advanced with the addition of amino acids to push oxygen through the muscle tissue so you can do long term

* Confidential correct mixture of ingredients that the body goes into overdrive hyper-metabolism, and maintain a "perpetual release", which relaxes blood vessels, and you may feel bloated, swollen, covered by pumping blood to the muscles throughout the day

What is the secret behind the fast-acting, muscle building, the growing strength of the Formula Xtreme NO?

Click Here to Get FREE Trial of Xtreme NO

Here is some science behind Xtreme NO:

During a weight training or intense training the muscles are damaged under the microscope. There are literally hundreds of small rips and tears in your muscle fibers. These small tears and tears cause pain and pain is felt in the muscles after a workout.

Even before the workout is over your body begins to repair the rips and tears. And long after you put the bar down, or jumped on the treadmill, your body is in overdrive, working feverishly to repair the damage and rebuild your muscles bigger, stronger and better.

To carry out these repairs, the body needs two things: full-time blood and oxygen.

Xtreme NO help both.

Xtreme does not help anyone accelerate recovery. When the NO Xtreme before or after exercise can reduce the time it usually takes the body to repair itself in two. This is because the '. . .

Xtreme NO substantially increases oxygen flow to your muscles. Using an advanced combination of L-arginine and several exclusive ingredients, NO Xtreme body increases levels of nitric oxide which then saturates your muscles in a flood of rejuvenation, oxygen, life support, which promotes rapid healing, blood flow and maximum muscle growth.

No other building muscle supplement muscle pump is the same, the results of oxygen push.

Xtreme NO is tested and safe.

The ingredients are natural Xtreme NO. The body produces them all the time. But, if you're not super-fast gains in muscle mass, so that the body does not produce enough and fast enough ingredients at the right time. Xtreme NO gives you the power to control the body's production and flow of these essential elements for building muscle.

The disadvantages of using Xtreme NO decrease the recovery time and increase muscle mass:

* NO Xtreme is not for everyone. NO Xtreme is used by professional athletes and world-class bodybuilders who are used to the sensation of blood flow improved and increased the size of their muscles. NO Xtreme is only for serious athletes and people who want to see dramatic gains in muscle mass and tone as soon as possible.

If you want to say goodbye to slow down muscle growth methodical and say hello to your new chiseled head turns hard body you want Xtreme NO. Order it today.

Click Here to Get FREE Trial of Xtreme NO


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

weight gainer - Exercise Tips For Weight Hard Winners

| Tuesday, May 3, 2011 | 1 comments

weight gainer
weight gainer - Millions of people trying to lose weight, but on the other end of the spectrum are people who struggle to add weight. Being overweight can contribute to low self-esteem, but it is also harmful to those under the weight, who think they are too skinny. Here are some tips for gaining weight difficult.

Preserving muscle

If you have a fast metabolism, which makes it difficult to gain weight, you must plan carefully to keep the muscle mass you have. Cardiovascular exercises such as running, cycling and swimming are a good fat-burning activities, but you can also break down muscle tissue.

When your body burns through calories available, it has to move, it will seek new resources, which include breaking the muscle tissue for energy. This process may contribute to the difficulty of gaining weight. If you are an avid runner, or enjoy the cardio workout, you can help preserve your existing muscles by eating a high protein drink energy before exercising.

Reduce your overall cardio all in one phase of weight gain will help maintain your current weight, while attempting to add new muscle.

New Muscle

When you are under weight, you may be looking to add pounds to reflect the type of printing you'll want to add. You do not want too much to replace and add ten pounds of pure fat, because it can leave you feeling out of shape.

If you eat enough calories your body to increase its weight to compensate. Ideally you'll want the majority of that weight is added to the muscle tissue, which means that most of the calories should come from protein.

When a protein is a system, it only gets a new muscle tissue, where new development is encouraged. Protein becomes only the new muscle tissue, if you do the exercises, which take longer to prevent future muscle strain.

Winners for tough year

Everyone has a different metabolism and composition of different muscles, but something hard winners have in common is the difficulty to stimulate muscle growth. You may have difficulty gaining weight because your body adapts to your behavior very quickly.

Once your body adapts to a particular exercise will cease to add muscle and weight, because it is not necessary. Hard Winners must be more aggressive in changing the pace of training, by completely changing their entire workout routines every few weeks to force your body to continue the process of adaptation.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Weight Gain Through Exercise, Nutrition And Healthy Eating

| Wednesday, April 20, 2011 | 3 comments

Weight Gain Through Exercise, Nutrition And Healthy Eating

weight gainer

Weight Gain Through Exercise, Nutrition And Healthy Eating

Usually people go to the gym to lose weight. But some go to the gym to add weight. Although we recommend a solution to help increase weight loss by increasing muscle mass and maintain the body stays in shape, but not enough. It must balance the routine practice of maintaining the structure healthy diet and take supplements to gain weight.

Many bodybuilders and athletes fitness advice to exercise regularly to gain weight, then you must also ensure the supply of protein, carbohydrates and fats is ideal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You must also ensure that all thenutrients that your body needs can be met by the foods you eat every day. And another effective way to supplement your regular workout pattern is natural weight gainer. This is not a drug. This surcharge will continue to work on your body by helping to meet the needs of all nutrients you need to reach your ideal weight.

The secret behind weight gain supplements contained in the materials. Weight is a good supplement should contain nutrients that may help you to gain weight by adding muscle mass and prevent the construction of excess fat. You can choose natural gainer is a supplement high in protein and calories to build muscle mass and increase your weight, also contains complex carbohydrates and comes with a good fat, enzymes and glutamine.

Remember, if you want to gain weight the right way to do this is a balanced diet, eating regularly and not excessive. Eating more is not the best way to increase the weight. Eat more foods only give you a lot of fat and calories you do not. The best way to add weight is to eat properly and regularly. Gainer consumption, while increasing body weight may also help prevent the accumulation of fat in your body.

weight gain is used to stimulate muscle growth. Remember, weight gain is not the same with the consumption of junk food, but with a diet that is balanced and weight gain assisted. And of course, be even better if combined with regular exercise to optimize the program and keep your body fit and healthy.Good good luck! The better the body you have, the more confidence you have in your company. Regular exercise and good nutrition are essential for the body.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mass Gain And Weight Gain Basic Diet

| Tuesday, April 19, 2011 | 1 comments

free weight gainer

Mass Gain And Weight Gain Basic Diet

1) Eat! You must consume more calories than you use ENERGY

This means that you should eat as much as possible and as often as possible. You may think you eat a lot - but if you do not gain weight, you need to eat more. And that means every day - not just on your workout days or when you remember. No amount of training will help you gain weight if you eat enough food, and eat regularly. This may sound simple, but is one of the most common errors that "hardgainers" does.

The truth is - no hardgainers - only people who do not eat enough or often enough on a consistent basis. You should aim for at least 6 meals a day, eating every 2 to 3 hours, protein and carbohydrates at every meal. By eating more often, the body uses food more efficiently, energy levels will remain more stable, your recovery will be faster, and muscle and strength gains are maximized.

In short - If you do not gain weight, you do not eat enough.

2) Calculate your calories required daily needs and stick to it REQUIREMENTS

An easy way to calculate your daily caloric intake is necessary to multiply your weight in kg with 2.2 x 16 or 80 kg x 2.2 x 16 = 2816 calories per day

For weight gain, add an extra 20% in this: 2816 x 0.20 = 563 extra calories per day

Add these together: 2816 + 563 = 3379 calories per day

This is the minimum amount of calories needed for weight gain 80 kg of body weight (level of the effects of the activity, because - if you work for work, you may need to add extra calories in this - if you still find that you are not taking all the dough, add extra calories by 10% per week until it begins to win.) If you tend to gain fat easily, preferring mainly to gain lean body mass, add less calorie intake maintenance. Try about 10% instead of 20%.

3) the quality of the protein food at each meal

Using a whey protein quality or muscle gain formula. Muscle tissue is made up of proteins. Every time you train you to break the muscle tissue (protein). The body then repairs the damage by using the protein diet. This causes an increase in muscle mass, density and strength. If you do not eat enough protein, your body is unable to repair this damage, so you do not grow. Always be sure to eat in 45 minutes of finishing training - Whey protein is easily digested, such as 100% Whey Balance or Pharma or Sports 100% Whey Mass Gainer is the best option, in order to support muscle repair and growth.

For best results, eat at least 2 to 3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day (every day - not just on your training days) - eg 80 kg of body weight x 2 = least 160grams to 240grams of protein a day, 7 days a week.

Good sources of protein quality are the natural remedies - chicken, turkey, lean red meat, fish, tuna, salmon, whey protein, eggs (egg whites and whole), cream cheese and skimmed milk.

Some good, while saving formulas Pharmasports mass GROWTH, Leppin BulkPro4, Cytosport CytoGainer. high quality of the winners of lean protein high-carbohydrate relationship Cytosport Muscle Milk, Leppin Pro4 muscle.

4) distribution of your daily caloric intake of protein, carbohydrates and fats

Now you know how much protein you should eat what you need to calculate the amount of fat and carbohydrates you need to eat.

You should aim for about 20-25% of calories from fat. Take your daily calorie counter - 3379 x 0.25 = 844 calories from fat.

Each gram of fat contains 9 calories, so divide by 9 to get grams of fat - 844 / 9 = 94g of fat per day. So eat 80 kg of at least 160 grams of protein. Each gram of protein equals 4 calories, so go to 640 calories from protein and 844 calories from fat. Subtract that from the total intake of calories and requires that the total intake of carbohydrates, and then divide by 4 times (each gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories) for the grams of carbs per day you need 3379 - (640 844 ) = 1895 carbohydrate chemistry / 4 = 474grams of carbs a day

So for a man of 80 kg is how your daily diet should fall:

Protein - 160g (640 calories)

Carbohydrates - 474 (1895 calories)

Fat - 94g (846 calories)

5) Exercise regularly and consistantly

weight training regularly and consistently is necessary for you to gain quality muscle mass without adding large amounts of fat. You should be weight training at least 3 or 4 days a week for about 45 to 60 minutes per session. Make sure to use a training log and plan and record all training sessions - including day and date, time of day that the training of muscle groups, exercises, weight and rehearsal, and weekly measurements of body weight. For maximum muscle gain and limit your cardio and aerobic workout.

6) the use of supplements - Stick with the basics and proven products USE

Creatine - The most powerful and effective product available to increase the explosive power, strength and lean mass gains. Adjustments to improve the explosive strength increases muscle strength, speed and strength in the gym.

HMB - Helps remove protein / degradation of muscle tissue for greater and faster recovery of muscle and strength gains

Glutamine - This is the most common amino acid in the body and is an endangered species, through hard training. The use of glutamine can enhance the immune system, improve, reduce muscle pain and aid in increasing the volume of muscle cells increased strength and muscle growth.

There are many other supplements on the market, but the basic requirements first, since they give you the best gains.

7) to allow adequate recovery between sessions

So your body to recover is crucial. If you spend your weekends or partying up all night watching TV and not have at least 8 hours of sleep each night, your weight gain, muscle growth and recovery of muscles will be weakened. Aim for at least 8 hours of quality sleep every night and watch your body grow.

For maximum muscle gains, allow 72 hours between training same body part. Never train a muscle group that is painful for a training session before

Continuing education - the most important meal DIN THE DAY

If you do not do this right, you're not doing something. Immediately after exercise, you need a fast digesting protein and carbohydrate-based shake. Opt for a higher intake of carbohydrates from your normal meal - it should be composed of simple carbohydrates (glucose, waxy maize starch) and complex carbohydrates (maltodextrin). The mixture of simple and complex carbohydrates should be from January to January or maltodextrin 30g to 30g of dextrose. The amount of protein and carbohydrates to use depends on your weight - a measure of 0.80 g of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight and 0.4 grams of protein per kg of body weight - 80 kg b / w = 64 grams carbohydrates (32g of maltodextrin Dextrose/32g) + 32g whey protein hydrolyzed preferably whey protein isolate or whey protein concentrate good.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tips On How To Gain Weight Quickly

| Sunday, April 17, 2011 | 1 comments

Tips On How To Gain Weight Quickly

free weight gainer

Tips On How To Gain Weight Quickly

Tips on how to gain weight quickly are invaluable to skinny people who struggle to put in some extra kilos. The world we live in is a contradiction. Some people gain weight easily and aim to lose weight and fat by a poor diet. However, on the other end of the spectrum, thin people is very difficult to gain a few kilos more to improve their appearance and regain some masculine attraction for men. Skinny ladies dream of publishing too nice clothes that look so fabulous in these elegant and voluptuous models. But do not envy those who weight gain too easily, especially those through unhealthy diets. Is to better understand the fundamentals behind healthy weight gain. This is where you can learn more about how to gain weight quickly and healthy.

Before addressing the question of how to gain weight quickly, try to understand why people thin and thin have failed to gain weight, no matter how hard they try. query statistics revealed the following main reasons for the failure to put on weight:

1. Poor diet

Skinny people do not eat well and fairly. By this mean they do not eat foods that would help them to gain weight. Proteins are essential to add extra weight, but many people do not receive sufficient protein intake. This is where things go wrong. So how can they expect a rapid weight gain or otherwise, substantial improvements of any weight at all? It is important to load more protein and less simple carbohydrates. Read on for the dietary weight gain.

2. Real work-out

Eating is not enough. We all have to engage in certain types of physical activity to make our diet mass. This conversion can be done through appropriate exercises. The people who really understand how to gain weight quickly do it in a healthy way with a proportional gain muscle mass.

3. Low motivation

weight gain or weight loss works the same way. Doctors have discovered that the reason the individual wants to gain weight is essential to its success. Our generation is often referred to as "instant noodles" generation where everyone wants immediate results. gaining weight is not done overnight, but the long-term goal. Not understanding this is a safe ingredient for failure to gain weight.

When we are able to recognize and avoid the common points of failure, we are on track to gain weight fast and successful. Are you ready for some easy to follow tips on how to gain weight quickly?

1. Weight Gain Diet Foods 101

Earlier I mentioned that eating the right foods and eat enough of them is the key to weight gain. Foods such as fast food, chocolate and other junk food like potato chips will not do you any good. Any weight gain of these foods will make your health more harm than good.

Cultivate the habit of eating more energy and your daily caloric needs. First, know what your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which corresponds to the daily calories / account to maintain your weight at its current level. Then start planning your weekly meal plans to increase their weekly intake of 3,500 calories to achieve weight gain of 2.1 pounds per week. This translates into an additional 500 calories to your daily calories.

Eat more foods containing protein such as beef and chicken. Drink more milk because it is a rich source of protein. Balance your meals with vegetables and nuts as well. Eat meals at 5 or 6 small instead of 3 big meals to balance the calories.

2. Weight gain and muscle mass building routine

It is necessary to invigorate the extra weight you add to your body so you do not end up obese. Depending on your preferences for physical activity, two types of activities recommended in this case would be useful to supplement their diet with weight gain.

Participate in moderate activities like brisk walking, running or playing sports at least 30 minutes 3-4 times a week. Try to inject some fun into your exercise so you feel encouraged and motivated to cultivate the habit and, possibly, as part of their lifestyle.

The work in the gym resistance training for at least 3 times a week. But before you do, talk to a qualified physical trainer who can advise on what exercise routine is right for you. If not, go to the library to read what work routines that are ideal for a person of his build and weight.

Knowing these simple tips on how rapidly the weight should give you better information than most people gain weight basic building blocks of a healthy diet. For more information, ideal for health food diet weight gain and more tips on weight and muscle mass, at the same time, visit my blog for more information.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.


Friday, April 15, 2011

3 Myths Weight Gain

| Friday, April 15, 2011 | 0 comments

3 Myths Weight Gain

free weight gainer

3 Myths Weight Gain

1. Its all genetic

For some of us may take up to 3000 calories a day, and another 5,000 genes not only because it does not mean that you can not gain weight. If you are a hard gainer, it takes a lot of work, but you can pack serious muscle mass if you eat right and have the right to draw up a plan ... I therefore recommend Jason Ferrugggia muscles to obtain secrets. It is not necessary to accept that skinny all your life, take what is given to you and work your ass off.

2. Only a eat anything, which is loaded with calories

This is probably the worst advice you could do! Adding calories you gain weight, but this is not the kind of weight you want to win. Eating all that is very healthy and make you look like a "skinny fat" guy. You need to stay away from that and only eat high quality foods high in calories and exercise and training.

3.Work to train harder and more often

This is another big mistake a lot of guys are doing. Work longer and more often got less than you. Especially if you're a hard gainer. 3 times a week, heavy lifting is all you need to put a large amount of weight. Most guys make the mistake of working out 5-7 times a week. In this way, we do not give enough time to heal his son, when you can have no muscle.


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